Saturday, October 07, 2006

November ASTA in South Carolina

Hey everybody, the ASTA is coming up. We at HA Sawyer sailmaker have had staff attend in the past and hope to again. We have made some of the sails that are on the USCGC Barque Eagle and it would be exciting to hear Captain Sinnett.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Measuring Success” and there are lots of exciting prsentations scheduled including an opening keynote by Captain Christopher Sinnett, the Commanding Officer of the USCGC Barque EAGLE. Professional sail trainers, marine educators, students, teachers, vessel ownver, Tall Ships festival organizers from the US, Canada, Australia, Denmark, India, Ireland and Poland will be in attendance. There will be something for everyone.

ASTA Annual Conference on Sail Training and Tall Ships is just a month away! « Tall Ships Today!

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